League Info
League Settings
League is:
Open for new signups
Game platform:
League created:
League Hits:
Active Clans:
Active Warriors:
IP violations are:
Max match size:
4 v 4
Roster limit:
Max Invites:
Accepted invites allowed per month:
Clan Factions are:
Warrior Factions are:
League resets at:
50 matches played/month
More Settings
League point system:
AR penalty:
1000 points
Clan vs clan daily match limit:
Flood control:
2 minutes
Inactivity level:
30 days
Clan wins/override inactivity:
100 wins
Warrior wins/override inactivity:
50 wins
Clan power win range:
Warrior power win range:
Match Calculator
(project match results)
Select Participants
Select Participants
League Overview
Welcome to the new league...
League Rules
Rule # 1
Basic Rules I – Clans and Warriors
Rule 1.1
Your clan can consist at least one member and at the most the maximum amount allowed, which is scalable. The current roster limit is 3 members.
Rule # 2
Rule 1.2
After 30 days of inactivity warriors and clans are removed, unless a warrior has logged 50 wins or won a gold cup at least. Clans with 100 wins will be safe from the automated deletion.
Rule # 3
Rule 1.3 After the 23rd of the month no more clan switching is allowed and everyone has to remain in the current clan. Failing to comply with this rule causes a suspension.
Rule # 4
Basic Rules II – games and replays
Rule 2.1
GenTool is mandatory for ClanWars matches and the upload mode has to be turned ON for CW during playing. Matches proven to be played off GenTool can be fined by penalty of 1000 pts per match, and, therefore, a player unable to use GenTool might be suspended. Ignoring this rule will lead to a permanent ban from CCG ClanWars league.
Download GenTool here:
replays / screenshots and more info here:
Rule # 5
Rule 2.2 All clan members competing in a ClanWars match must wear their TAGs in their name. All games played by players wearing their ClanWars TAGs are ClanWars matches. If you want to play a ForFunGame, change your name. Otherwise, you might be ARed and there might be no evidence of both players agreeing to a ForFunGame. Either save evidence for an agreement or simply change your name.
Rule # 6
Rule 2.3 Any game from 1 vs 1 to 4 vs 4 is allowed for ClanWars matches.
Rule # 7
Rule 2.4 Your clan may play as many games per day as they desire. But you can only register 15 matches per day against the same opponent. A warrior has to wait at least 5 minutes until the next report.
Rule # 8
Rule 2.5 Players are not allowed to play games in advance, not only because of the daily game limit. Not following this rule results in a penalty of 1000 pts. per game and might lead to a suspension.
Rule # 9
Rule 2.6 You have to save all replays. All games played within the last 48 hours are of basic interest. Because ClanWars admins are short on time, make sure you have the requested replays available. Being unable to provide evidence of your played matches might cause penalties and/or suspensions.
Rule # 10
Rule 2.7 If your opponent disconnects from the game, file an autoreport, for the admins' judgement. Don't forget to upload screenshots of the DC screens. If neither of the players were going to win, the match has to be re-played.
Rule # 11
Basic Rules III - reports and auto reports
Rule 3.1
CW games have to be reported within the next hour after the completion of the match. If you missed to report, post and upload the game within the next 24 hours on ClanWars. If you played more than 1 game, please pack all games of that day in a zip- (or equivalent) file. The autoreport will be solved as soon as possible.
Rule # 12
Rule 3.2
Players that get autoreported more then 4 times in the same month will get suspended until the end of the month. Thus, always report your games. For any issues regarding that matter, send a PM to the admins. Voice yourself, if you're treated unfair.
Rule # 13
Unfair methods – competition, point pushing, behavior
Rule 4.1
We expect a fair competition. If you play Clanwars, you are supposed to compete against any player. We appeal to common sense and fairplay.
Rule # 14
Rule 4.2
Clanwars advanced IP tracker automatically checks all matches registered for IP conflicts, if a conflict is found, the game is removed automatically and the offending clans and warriors are penalized by 1000 pts. per incident.
Rule # 15
Rule 4.3
Point pushing will not be tolerated. If our advanced IP Tracker is not pointing out a violation by IP conflict it is up to the admins to solve the case in any type of point push issues.
Rule # 16
Help, Issues and Password
If you need any help for any issue or if you have any question in general, just contact an admin via PM and you will be helped as soon as possible. If you forgot your password, please request it via the ("send me my password") link above.
League FAQ
How Do I invite people to join my clan and how do I know if they have accepted or declined?
Answer: |
Only clan boss can invite other league members to join a clan. In the"CLAN ROSTER" Menu option in "Clan Headquarters" you will find the option to invite people to join your ranks. An invite will ultimatelyeither be accepted, declined or ignored. The invited player will receive a message in his inbox that he/she has been invited to joinyour clan. If the invitation is accepted or declined a notice is posted on your clan event calendar and the boss will receive a private message in his/her inbox telling him the invitation was accepted or declined along with a reason - if the invitee responds with one. If the invitation is ignored it will stay posted in "clanroster" with a length of time in days that it has been ignored. You can choose to withdraw the invitation at any time or leave it offered as long as your choose.
Does my account or clan ever get removed?
Answer: |
After 30 days of inactivity your account or your clan will get removed.Check support for current league settings (days inactivity untildeletion, roster size limits, max invites permitted, max games per dayvs a clan, etc...). If the clan you are in gets removed but your account satisfies inactivity levels your account will stay intact, yourclan status will move to "Independent". If you or your clan have won a championship then you will never be removed. Sometimes other criteria will assume you or your clan immortality, typically a certain amount of wins or games played, check with the league admin for that info.
What happens if my opponent doesn't report his loss?
Answer: |
If your opponent doesn't report after 1 hour has passed, you can file an Auto Report and include the replay within that day. The Admin will do his best to complete these as timely as possible.
What are the penalties for Auto Reports and Maphacking?
Answer: |
The league penalties are: Auto Reports - 1.000 points or 10% of the warriors total points (whichever is higher). Maphacking a 6 month ban with all your month stats removed.
How can I play a game that won't count on the ladder?
Answer: |
All games played with your clan tag on are considered Clanwars matches if your opponent is also wearing a clan tag. If you want to play a ffg, simply change your name, or remove your clan tag at Remember, clan tag=Clan Wars.
My opponent disconnected, who wins?
Answer: |
If your opponent disconnected from the game file an autoreport so one admin can watch the replay and judge about it. If neither of the players was going to win we appreciate to remake the game. Up to Admins decision.
The game mismatched, now who wins?
Answer: |
Unfortunately, mismatches are occasionally a part of the online experience. Unless someone was CLEARLY going to win the match, no winner will be declared.
Point System Explanation
Custom pt. system (modified)
The custom Point system is based on the cw point system with the admin having the ability to slide certain attributes. Keep in mind that applying the custom point system means warriors receive the exact same points for a win as clans do and same for losses.
There are two options when using the customized system
1. Linear point system - clans and warriors receive one static amount of points for a win and receive one static amount of points to be deducted for a loss. i.e. everyone gets 10 pts. for a win and -5 pts. for a loss.
2. customized cw system.
How the customized cw system works.
Six variables can be altered
1) Inclusion or exclusion of Losing Clans Win Percentage
2) "Base Score"
3) Game Size Bonus
4) Handicap value
5) "Power Bonus" (pts. awarded for beating a clan of a certain rank)
6) Pts lost for a loss
-----Power Win Bonus (the multiplier)-----
applies a multiplier of as high as 3 times the normal points for beating the #1 ranked clan and scales back toward 1 throughout the power win range.
For example the mulitplier for a power win range of 10 would be
Beat # 1 clan multiplier = 3
Beat # 2 clan multiplier = 2.8
Beat # 3 clan Multiplier = 2.6
Beat #10 clan multiplier is 1.2
----------------------- Please note the formulas used for calculating pt gains and losses are shown below
Pts Gained =[ (Losing Clan Win % + Game Size Bonus + BaseScore) * Handicap] * multiplier] + Power Bonus
Pts Lost (if applicable) = [some percentage] of Pts Gained