ClanWars Online Gaming Leagues
Privacy Policy
Please read this statement to understand how we will treat the personal
information that you give to us. Our privacy procedures include the following:
We disclose our privacy practices and procedures in this document.
We do not sell or rent your personally identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes.
We allow you to access your user profiles and change information as you deem necessary.
Since this policy may change over time as we modify or
expand our service, we suggest that you check back from time to time in order
to understand how we treat your information. Your use of the Clanwars Website
constitutes your agreement to the terms of this privacy policy. If we decide to
materially change our privacy policy, we will prominently post those changes on
this page prior to the change and provide you an opportunity to opt-out, so
that you are always aware of what personal information we collect, how we use
it and under what circumstances we disclose it. Your continued use of the
Clanwars Website constitutes your agreement to any such changes
What Personally Identifiable Information of yours is collected?
Information collected online is often defined as being either anonymous or personally identifiable:
"Anonymous Information" refers to information that cannot be tied back to a
specific individual. For instance, we may know that 10,000 people visit this
Privacy Policy today, but we do not necessarily know their names, where they
live, or their date of birth.
"Personally Identifiable Information" or "PII" refers to information that tells
us specifically who you are, such as your name, phone number, or postal
The amount of Personally Identifiable Information that you choose to disclose to
us is completely up to you. In our effort to provide personalization and
increase services, we may ask you to submit information, such as your email
address, when participating in one of the Clanwars leagues.
You never have to answer any questions, and you can decline this exchange of
information at any time. However, if you should choose to withhold requested
information, we may not be able to provide you with some of the services
dependent upon the collection of this information, such as online challenge
scheduling or auto report notifications through the league system.
How is the information is used?
We use the personal information you supply us, including your registration
data, to enhance our league's services. We do not sell or rent your personally
identifiable information to third parties for marketing purposes.
Information that you provide while using products such as the Smak Central
Boards is available for all to see. Discretion should be used in entering
Personally Identifiable Information within such forums, as it may be collected
by third parties. ClanWars does not actively associate the message content
entered by our users in the Smak Central Boards with those users' registration
information. Our server computers will retain this information, however; and it
is potentially available for distribution to third parties - most obviously
law-enforcement agencies acting under subpoena power, per the terms of this
section of our Privacy Policy. We do not use this information to target any
advertising to our users, nor is it ever willingly distributed to any third
party, such as an advertiser, except if subpoenaed.
What happens when you leave Clanwars to go to other sites?
Clanwars does not control the information collection and distribution policies
on Internet domains other than those Internet domains that are under the
control of Clanwars itself. When you are on the Clanwars Website, you may be
directed to other sites that are beyond our control. For example, if you
"click" on a banner advertisement, the "click" may take you off the Clanwars
Website site. These other sites may independently collect data, solicit
personal information, or send their own cookies to you. Clanwars is not
responsible for any use of the information including click-stream data, which
you may create when using such third party sites.
Downloading files from Clanwars.
Clanwars permits users to download files which are desingated as "replays", or other similar media, of
game matches. Replays are files which can be
viewed by owners of a specific game to watch the events in a match.
Clanwars makes a best effort to ensure the files downloaded from Clanwars are
valid replay files by filtering files by their extensions. For example if
.REP is the only valid extension for a valid replay file for a specific league
then only files with .REP extensions are allowed to be uploaded to Clanwars and
then downloaded by site visitors. Clanwars claims no responsibility for
damage incurred when a user maliciously or otherwise uploads a non valid or
infected file. Scanning a file before opening it is the sole
responsibility of the end-user. Clanwars offers this service (file upload
and file download) in good faith as a feature to be used to enhance the gaming
experience at Clanwars.
Contact Information
If you have any questions or concerns about the policy declared above please
visit the
Support page and contact a staff member listed there.