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#1 -]GL[- defeats #1 [iWuB] 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 Bug 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 -BliNd 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #6 TR 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #7 TR 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#2 -]GL[- defeats #1 [EoE] 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#2 -]GL[- defeats #1 [EoE] 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
#1 [EoE] defeats #2 -]GL[- 1v1
  1 matches this tourney
  110,531 matches all-time
  130 clans in the league
  488 warriors in the league
  Biggest Movers Today
(click to view)

  Hottest Clans!
[OT] +17 game win streak!
[CRY] +13 game win streak!
[Ra3] +11 game win streak!
auS| +11 game win streak!
[xS] +10 game win streak!
[EoE] +10 game win streak!
[RoP] +9 game win streak!
[DP] +8 game win streak!
[DHz] +7 game win streak!
DowN| +7 game win streak!

  Most Recently Created Clans!
Clan Dn` created by Light
Clan [XT] created by Bexa
Clan BmLs| created by BmLs|
Clan Mr. created by Pleasant
Clan CD created by asur.pro

  Most Recently Absolved Clans!
Dn` Removed due to inactivity.
[XT] Removed due to inactivity.
BmLs| Removed due to inactivity.
-BliNd Removed due to inactivity.
TR Removed due to inactivity.
(1 - 0) ... 228 pts.
2. [Free[ 0 pts.
3. Johnny 0 pts.
4. [Arab] 0 pts.
5. ns- 0 pts.
6. [RoP] 0 pts.
7. [G] 0 pts.
8. [Micro 0 pts.
9. [R-17] 0 pts.
10. [WwK] 0 pts.
clan -]GL[-
(1 - 0) ... 396 pts.
2. Diamond- 0 pts.
3. NuB*ZoR 0 pts.
4. D]a[nZor 0 pts.
5. GreatLenin 0 pts.
6. squaak 0 pts.
7. -X[T]ncti0N- 0 pts.
8. Murder- 0 pts.
9. DOM- 0 pts.
10. Micro-- 0 pts.

  League Headlines
Generals sees giant slain
clan wars news service  Monday, November 11, 2024
    CLAN spotlight:     -]GL[-
2 stars
 Currently on a 1 game win streak.
    CLAN spotlight:     [iWuB]
4 stars
 Currently on a -1 game lose streak.
    warrior spotlight:     Chuck
2 stars
 Currently on a 1 game win streak.
 -- clanwars news wire -- Today we slew a giant, said clan -]GL[- boss Chuck.

In some tough fighting the #1 clan [iWuB] took it on the chin as -]GL[- proved too strong and handed them a diffcult, painful loss that might just leave a lasting impression in the minds of everyone who participated.

They fought today and they deserved the big win, said [iWuB] boss ScotlanD-... but I promise you we'll be back and we won't make the same mistakes twice.

The big match took place on no map selected under brilliant skies and heavy fire fighting down in the valleys below, they two big dogs squared off in an epic battle that left many clans stunned wondering who does indeed rule over the Generals landscape."Take a good hard look in the mirror and look at what is staring back at you. I took a look today and I saw myself raising the Cup, some call me a prophet I just like to think I know what I want and I get what I want. Today was no different." said an unidentified member of [iWuB], "They got lucky, that's all I'm saying"

-]GL[- picked up 228 points and shot up to #1 in the rankings. Chuck could be heard well after the fighting had ended celebrating the big win ... "It was tough out there, but you go nowhere if you don't go after #1; I feel good about our chances"

complete match details here 102926
  Admin Notes
16 clan Tournament Online!
Murder   5/3/2021

A new bracketed tournament named: Scorpion Sundays 1v1 CW #5 Sunday! has just been created by Murder. For more information view the Tournament Page.

Good Luck Warriors. Rules/description below

Read this topic for rules! Winner will claim +2500 CW points! 

8 clan Tournament Online!
Admin - 2   4/18/2013

A new bracketed tournament named: Clanwars April Tournament has just been created by Admin - 2. For more information view the Tournament Page.

Good Luck Warriors. Rules/description below

First 8 to show up take part. Participants get 1k points for playing anyway, then winners get the following
Rank 1: 1k points 
Rank 2: 500 points
Note: The Clan get's the same amount of points.
Gentool: at least 5.6 
Map: Host will tell you before each round 
Army: Random
Matchup: Best of 3
Matches: Every game has to be reported
Lobby: CW Lobby
Time: 21 GMT Thursday 18th April 2013

World series 2012
Admin   11/2/2012

May i have your attention please !
This years Generals World Series will be held in Decembre, to qualify for this 16 Player Tournament you have to reach a place in the top 16 Placements at the Clanwars month Novembre. 
The month is running already and CCG´s Clanwars is crying for a "maybe" last great competitive month before Generals 2 will be released.
Are you want to be the last standing Champion of this great game ? Then give it try, create a Clan and go for glory !
What are the prizes?
1st place and Champion: $50
More prizes probably on their way!
Further informations you find here :  http://www.gamereplays.org/cncgenerals/portals.php?show=news&news_id=906313
If you dont have an account on gamereplays.org yet, create one and join the Community. 
Good Luck for all participants
your Admin Team

Welcome !
Clan Wars   5/12/2012

Welcome to the Clanwars league!

If you need any help for any issue or if you have any question in general just contact an admin via pm and he will help you as fast as he can. If you forgot your password, please request it via (“send me my password”) link above.

Have fun playing guys.

Your CW-Admin Team
  Clanwars Global News
Bracketed Tournaments online
clan wars    (10/8/2008)
The bracketed tournaments are now back online.

Remember tournaments can run 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 slots either 1v1 or clan-based.

Ask your admin to create a tournament and see who wins without any point chase to argue about.

The staff at clanwars sincerely hopes you enjoy the newly styled tournament system. Click the "tournaments" tab from your league menu to view any tournaments for your league.


Submitting Bugs
clan wars    (10/5/2008)
Thank you all for being patient while we turn up the new site and squash all the bugs that made it past QA.

Since we went live a handful of annoying bugs have been fixed; some of the most prominent ones were the upload error bug when uploading match media; deleting PM bug; gamespy auto result bug, absolving clan bug and a few others all have been fixed.

As you find new bugs, small or large, please post them here


Thanks again for your support of clanwars.cc


Edited by clan wars on 10/5/2008 9:09 PM
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