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Battle for Middle earth II
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League Info
Welcome to the Battle for Middle earth II league.
Sponsored by GameReplays.org
 League Overview
 League Rules
 League FAQ
 Point System Explanation
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Visit the league forum here League Message Board
or email a league admin
League Settings
League is: Open for new signups
Game platform: PC
League created: 12/4/2005
League Hits: 859,390
Active Clans: 149
Active Warriors: 608
IP violations are: OFF  
Max match size:   4 v 4    
Roster limit: 18
Max Invites: 24  
Accepted invites allowed per month: 24  
Clan Factions are: OFF
Warrior Factions are: ON
League resets at: 200 matches played/month
More Settings
League point system: elo
AR penalty: 50 points
Clan vs clan daily match limit: 30
Flood control: 1 minutes
Inactivity level: 200 days
Clan wins/override inactivity: 100 wins
Warrior wins/override inactivity: 100 wins
Clan power win range: 3
Warrior power win range: 5
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League Overview
Welcome to the Battle for Middle-Earth II league...

If you have any questions do not be afraid to bother us with an E-Mail to "[email protected]" (without the tags).

League Rules
Rule # 1
ClanWars (CW) game conditions:
       A ・ The game is played on the latest BFME II BT2DC version.
       B ・ The nicknames of the players ingame DO match with their league nicknames.
       C ・ The game is played without custom heroes.
       D ・ The game is not played in a fortress or custom kind of map.
       E ・ No more than 3 clans can appear in the same game. (See Rule #4, about clan alliances and guesting)

・ Any game that does not fit one of these conditions will be considered as a for fun game (FFG) that will not count on the ClanWars.cc ladder.
・ If you intentionally wish to play a FFG or form an alliance with a friendly clan, simply change your ingame nickname into anything that is not the same as your warrior account in the league. This way nobody can file an AR against you.
・ Any game that effectively does fulfill all of these conditions shall be a CW game and there will be no reason to avoid reporting it.
・ Lag, hardware or software issues, personal reasons, or ignorance of ClanWars rules are no sufficient reasons. However, in such cases, a player can avoid an unfair match by leaving the game before it is too late. If you continue to play, you forfeit the right to use any of the above excuses and the game shall count no matter what.
・ It's a matter of gentlemen’s agreement to play a FFG while fitting all CW conditions. But in case the winner decides to file an AR (Auto Report request), breaking such gentlemen’s agreement, there is no rule to protect the losing player against an approval of the AR request.
Rule # 2
Regarding the ingame CW match:
        A ・With the exception of games being played on a neutral host, a ClanWars match of 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 or 4vs4 should consist of two games. Games played on a neutral host do not need a rematch. Each clan has the right to play one of the two games in a match, on its own host, in a map of its choosing and in the map position desired.
        B ・If a clan hosts and wins the first game but refuses to play the rematch, for the next 72 hours the losing clan is not obliged to report that game and the winner loses the right to file an AR. However, it is the responsibility of the offhost player to claim this right in the AR topic. Otherwise, it is considered as if there was mutual consent to only play one game.
Rule # 3
An unfinished game dispute does not need to stop the gaming session:
      A ・ If during a gaming session played without neutral host (always considering two games form a match) a game is interrupted by an out of sync error (OOS), a crash of any kind (e.g. game crash, GameRanger crash), or a disconnect (DC), where one clan claims the game was over and the other clan disagrees, the match shall be replayed on the same host, irrespective of the cause for the disruption.
      B ・ The disputed unfinished game shall be later, posted as an AR (see Rule #6) and admins will analyse the replay. Except within the last 48 hours of the tournament, any league admin must not process (accept or deny) the AR request for at least 24 hours after he has stated his opinion regarding the disputed replay in the respective AR topic. By this means, players have the chance to report the loss themselves avoiding a punishment. However, an admin decision is not up for debate. Also, admins will only approve unfinished games where one player has at least a 70-30 advantage. So, please, watch your replay before filing an AR request.
      C ・ If the AR is approved, the other clan should be host in the upcoming, corresponding rematch in order to form a match. Thus, one of the clans gains the right to play one game on his own host.
Rule # 4
ClanWars games with "guests" and ClanWars "alliances":
      A ・ A guest is any player whose ingame nickname does not appear in the BfME2 league on ClanWars.cc/bfme2, or simply does not match, yet decides to help a clan against another.
      B ・ An "alliance" consists of 2(two) different clans playing together with their respective BfME2 league nicknames against 1(one) specific clan (the opponent clan). Thus, in a CW match there cannot be more than 3(three) clans participating. The player forming an alliance with a friendly clan should change his nickname into anything that is not the same as his warrior account in the league in order to clearly distinguish which clans are fighting against each other.
      C ・ When playing with an "alliance" ensure to play complete matches, i.e. a multiple of two games. By doing so, wins and losses can be splitted equally against the opponent clan. If the match gets tied, one of the two players forming the "alliance" should take all games, i.e. the win and the loss against the opponent clan. Further, if the score is for example 3-1 after two matches (4 games), the games should be split as 2-1 and 1-0 in order to equally split the wins and losses (one win equals one loss).
      D ・ Any AR with players whose nicknames belong to 4(four) or more different clans, will be immediately rejected and considered FFG.
Rule # 5
ClanWars game liberties:
      A ・ Any 1vs1, 2vs2, 3vs3 and 4vs4 map available in the actual version of the game can be used in this league.
      B ・ There is no tactic, strategy or glitch forbidden in a game. In case a bug is found please report it in the league forum and rules will be updated if necessary.
      C ・ Any CW game can be played using any kind of VPN/LAN platform (T3a, GR, etc).
      D ・ Any CW game can have from 2 players to 8, as long as minimally one player per clan is present in each team with its respective warrior nickname. Although, there can be players of two different clans forming an alliance against another one. (See Rule #3, about clan alliances and guesting)
      E ・ Ring heroes are also allowed.
Rule # 6
Regarding the Report System:
      A ・ Players have to manually report all of their losses, in the order they were played, with the correct faction of each participant (to gather accurate information regarding the patch balance) , as well as the map used.
      B ・ Use the AR forum to request your unreported wins, and the AM forum to request a fix of incorrectly reported games.If you switched clans, you can’t file an AR for a game you won in your previous clan. Your AR request will be immediately denied if you have switched clans. (See Rule #10, about clans)
Rule # 7
Regarding the Auto Report (AR) Request Forum
      A ・ AR Request Conditions:
            1 ・ Attach a replay of your unreported win as evidence. (You can upload more than one replay by compressing them into a .rar or .zip file but still you have to file an AR for each unreported game.)
             2 ・ Such replay must fulfil all ClanWars game conditions as laid down in Rule #1 with the following exception regarding nicknames: When the players' ingame nicknames do not exactly match with their league warrior nicknames, the decision is at the discretion of the admins.
             3 ・ Fill out all information, i.e. factions of each participant, map, etc.
             4 ・ The minimum time that must have elapsed since the game was played and the moment you fill the AR is 1 hour.
             5 ・ The maximum time you have to claim an AR is 3 days (72 hours) during most of the tournament, but in the last 48 hours of the tournament the maximum time is 24 hours. Any replay older than 24 hours since the AR is filled, will be rejected.
      B ・ An AR that does not fully fulfil these conditions will be immediately rejected and considered an FFG.
      C ・ Admins are not responsible for processing AR requests of games that were already reported without correct faction information. If this happens, players may file an AM request to amend the reports, attaching all the necessary replays that prove a game has been reported incorrectly.
      D ・ For any AR request approved and processed the opposing clan as well as the opposing player/s receive an automatic point penalty. Please see the settings listed above for more information re AR penalty.
Rule # 8
Regarding players who are admin: they can play as long as they don't...

      A ・ Deny the AR request of an unfinished game (see Rule #2), filed against them. Unless the admin decides to report manually.
      B ・ Approve the AR request of an unfinished game, filed by himself. In such cases, any other league admin will have to process such ARs.
Rule # 9
Regarding Warrior Accounts:
      A ・ A warrior nickname cannot contain refences to racism, sex or anything that threats the seriousness of the leage. Any league warrior with an inappropriate nickname can be reported by another player. The admins will contact the respective player in order to propose the change of his nickname. If after 24 hours the player doesn’t change it, the admins will do it at their discretion.
      B ・ League warriors as well as clans will be removed after a certain amount of inactivity. Please see the settings listed above for more information re clan/warrior wins/override inactivity.
      C ・ You may be a member of different clans but you are not allowed to play any of these clans. The clans can play versus each other, but you cannot.
      D ・ If enabled for this league; the IP tracker will check for matches which cause an IP Conflict. If a conflict is found the match is removed automatically and a point penalty is applied to the clan. Please see in the settings listed above whether the IP tracker is currently enabled or not (re IP violations).
      E ・ Players and clans must save all replays throughout a tournament period, both loses and wins. Upon request, replays should be provided to a BFME2 Admin. Unless instructed otherwise, players may delete their replays 7(seven) days after the end of a tournament period.
      F ・ Point-pushing, failure to provide a specific game replay, violate Rule #1 about ClanWars game conditions, Rule #6 regarding old replays, or providing an altered one, will result in either the respective games being voided from the tournament and/or a point punishment with all its implications, especially with regard to tournament achievements. Gross unsportsmanlike conduct may result in a suspension/ban from the league.
Rule # 10
Regarding Clans:
      A ・ A clan nickname cannot contain refences to racism, sex or anything that threats the seriousness of the leage. Any clan with an inappropriate nickname can be reported by anyone, then the admins will contact the respective owner of the clan in order to recreate the clan with a more suitable clanname. If after 48 hours the owner of the clan doesn’t reply, the admins will delete the clan. (This will only apply on clans created since 2021)
      B ・ A clan may consist of just one member (yourself) or up to the maximum amount allowed. Please see the roster limit listed in the settings above.
      C ・ A clan may invite any other warriors of the league without restrictions. Please see the settings listed above for more information re clan invitations.
      D ・ Your clan may play as many games per day as it is desired. But each warrior is limited to report one game per minute and a clan can only register a certain number of matches per day against another clan. Please see the settings listed above for more information regarding daily match limit.
      E・ Your clan may play against any other clan whilst the month, but you cannot play clanwars.cc games against former clan mates during the last 48 hours of the tournament. Any reported game that violates this rule will be considered as point pushing, games will be voided and a point penalty, suspension or a ban will be applied according to the severity of the violation.
      F ・ You may switch clans during any time of the tournament. But you can not leave your clan until all your loses and wins have been reported by each player or by the AR process.
             ・ By leaving your clan with unreported wins; you revoke your own right to auto-report them in the future.
             ・ By leaving your clan with unreported loses; you may result point-penaltied, suspended or banned from the league according to the severity of the violation. Plus, the player who had won these matches will be allowed to fill an AR against your newest clan or another of your accounts.
Rule # 11
Regarding Site Accounts:
      A ・ ClanWars.cc account passwords are hashed and can not be seen by anyone - including the owners of ClanWars. If you forget your password it can be changed automatically and emailed to your email. You can trigger this process by writing your email in "Lost Password" on the following section:
Link: www.clanwars.cc/main_support.aspx
      B ・ If you don't remember the email of your account, contact a BFME2 admin and they can tell you which email is associated with your league warrior nickname.
      C ・ There is no reason for a user to have more than 1(one) ClanWars.cc account, as you can have as many warrior accounts in the BFME2 league as desired. You are only limited by the aforementioned rules, especially regarding Warrior Accounts/Clans and IP tracking.

League FAQ
Question: How Do I invite people to join my clan and how do I know if they have accepted or declined?

Answer: Only clan bosses can invite other league members to join a clan. In the "CLAN ROSTER" Menu option in "Clan Headquarters" you will find the option to invite people to join your ranks. An invite will ultimately either be accepted, declined or ignored. The invited player will receive a message in his inbox that he/she has been invited to join your clan. If the invitation is accepted or declined a notice is posted on your clan event calendar and the boss who posted the invitation will receive a private message in his/her inbox telling him the invitation was accepted or declined along with a reason - if the invitee responds with one. If the invitation is ignored it will stay posted in "clan roster" with a length of time in days that it has been ignored. YOu can choose to withdrawl the invitation at any time or leave it offered as long as your choose.
Question: Does my account or clan ever get removed?

Answer: After X amount of days of inactivity your account or your clan will get removed. Check support for current league settings (days inactivity until deletion, roster size limits, max invites permitted, max games per day vs a clan, etc...). If the clan you are in gets removed but your account satisfies inactivity levels your account will stay intact, your clan status will move to "Independent". If you or your clan have won a championship then you will never be removed. Sometimes other criteria will assume you or your clan immortality, typically a certain amount of wins or game played, check with the league admin for that info.
Question: Are tags like this &ltbr&gt permitted in my clan name and or tag?

Answer: No, certain non friendly HTML symbols are not permitted to be entered in certain displayed areas.
Question: How to I get an answer to a question that is not listed here?

Answer: If it is a league specific question, please up to the top of this page and email the league admin.  His or her email link will appear at the top.

If this is a global issue, meaning you have a question regarding the clanwars gaming network in general please visit the global support page which you will find linked from the main portal page.
Question: What happens if players are cheating in any way?

Answer: First of all, if you suspect any bug abuse, cheat or similar performed by the enemy, whether it affetcs the game outcome or not, please file an AM to make sure the game gets removed and the cw- admins will take actions if needed.

If you suspect point pushing ( players gives clans loads of wins easily, one player gives away losses to a clan he already is in to make the clan gain points  in a non legal way according to the cw.cc rules), please e-mail [email protected] and we will investigate asap. People who gets convicted in PPing gets banned from clanwars.cc for life time, and all clans involved in it ( both the clan he pushes and the clans that he has pushed from) will recieve a point penalty, and all matches included in the violation will get removed.

Point System Explanation
ELO pt. system (modified)
The ELO pt. system that is used here, is based on the original ELO pt. system (Link here) but is somewhat modified in how point losses are handled and it is scaled in other ways as well, explained below.
In this system points for a victory are limited to a set value (called the K - value). For example K might be 100 for a 1v1 match or 150 for a 2v2 match, etc... That number is set in the control panel ('League Settings -> League Options') and scales accordingly based on match size, by 33% for each significant jump in a match size.
100% of the K value is only awarded for matches where the opponents are very far away in rank and the underdog wins. For example, if there are 100 clans in the league and #1 plays #100, the full K value will be awarded if the #100 ranked clan wins. If #1 wins only a very small percentage of K is available. If clans are very close in rank, for instance #1 plays #2, roughly 50% of K is avaliable. As ranks separate and the expected, higher ranked clan wins, the K value shrinks further away from it stated value, and conversely as the underdog or lower ranked clan wins K grows close to it's full value. The variable that describes this is referred to as E. When clan #100 beats #1, E might be .99 and vice versa E might be .01
This system is in place for both warriors and clans. K never reaches 100% until the tournament draws to a close. It starts out automatically devalued at the beginning of each tournament and grows closer to 100% as the tournament continues. To re-iterate with an example, K might be set to 100 pts in the control panel. And 100% of K may be awarded when a very low ranked clan beats a high ranked clan, but even while K = 100 in this instance, at the beginning of each tournament it is devalued automatically back to 1/2 of that. If the exact same match was played the last day of the tournament 100% of K would be awarded. As the tournament moves toward it's conclusion K becomes closer to be worth it's full value - this is called the intensification period.
Point losses are relegated to clans or warriors only, who fall into the Power Range and bonuses are applied to clans or warriors who win against clans or warriors in the power win range. Point losses are lower as clans fall lower into the range and are not applied at all when clans or warriors fall out of that range.
The power win range is set in the 'League Options' menu.
ELO point system applies to both clans and warriors. During warrior point calculations the average rank of the total warriors involved is used for the point calculation.
Two other factors influence the ELO pts awarded. They are called O and W. O is the offset that devalues the points as same clans play themselves in the same day. So if clan A plays clan B 10 times in one day, each game is worth less. W is the variable that defines the intensification period, as the tournament gets closer to ending W grows closer to 1.
In the end ELO pts are calculated as such = K x E x W x O
K - K value (explained above)
E - .01 to 1 (based on if the underdog or favorite won and how close in rank they were)
W - starts at .5 on day one of a new tournament and grows to 1 on the last day of the tournament
O - offset starts at 1 when same clans play against each other for the first time on a day, second match it is .9, third match it is .8, etc... After 10 matches against similar clans it is .1 and stays at .1
*Note: K can be set in the control panel, and how many times clans may play each other in one day can be set in the control panel as well.
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