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#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
#1 CnCv2 defeats #3 quitr 1v1
  0 matches this tourney
  16,287 matches all-time
  33 clans in the league
  95 warriors in the league
  Biggest Movers Today
(click to view)

  Hottest Clans!
CnCv2 +34 game win streak!
TIBS +20 game win streak!
LsR* +4 game win streak!
chill. +3 game win streak!
H2o^ +2 game win streak!
[GROM] +2 game win streak!
Te +1 game win streak!
thrice +1 game win streak!
.eVo. +1 game win streak!
[MM] +1 game win streak!

  Most Recently Created Clans!
Clan PRos created by IQ-team
Clan m2flen created by Kareem
Clan *kill* created by bastonfonn
Clan MG-NET created by MG-NET.
Clan LDZ created by loopyd0

  Most Recently Absolved Clans!
PRos Removed due to inactivity.
m2flen Removed due to inactivity.
*kill* Removed due to inactivity.
MG-NET Removed due to inactivity.
LDZ Removed due to inactivity.
no one fucking cares
(0 - 0) ... 0 pts.
"Win some , lose some..."
2. GaX- 0 pts.
3. [DiV] 0 pts.
4. DDOS 0 pts.
5. H2o^ 0 pts.
6. [AHG] 0 pts.
7. CnCv2 0 pts.
8. LsR* 0 pts.
9. eG. 0 pts.
10. WoG.HC 0 pts.
(0 - 0) ... 0 pts.
2. d.Apollo 0 pts.
3. ToT)YaMa( 0 pts.
4. [OoE]BoTz- 0 pts.
5. [SRS]Arecal 0 pts.
6. iLLusioN` 0 pts.
7. Thrice.grim 0 pts.
8. [OoE]Apollo` 0 pts.
9. [TIBS]Thrust 0 pts.
10. [OoE]ExCaL^ 0 pts.

  League Headlines
There is no league news yet to show.
  Admin Notes
August results
CnC3 Admin-1   9/5/2007

A new month is over and the winners have been decided once more. With a solid lead of almost 1500 points ahead of the # 2 Warrior, ToT)YaMa( claimed the warrior title for August. ToT clan also grabbed the clan title of August, making them take home "the double! "

Warrior Champions and prizes:

1. ToT)YaMa( 4,510  pts - 150$
2. sh4rp 3,216  pts - 100$
3. KhuFu_OwNz 2,117  pts - 75$

Top 3 Clans of August:

 1. ToT 4,774 pts
 2. 4x 3,957 pts
 3. GM 2,412 pts

The warriors of the #1 Clan will recieve a free EA game of choice. Congratulations to all of the winners and good luck next month!

Casual 2 lobby for CW matches
Trunks   8/16/2007

In order to help the C&C3 league grow and get more players (as well as help the current players find games), we're encouraging everyone to meet in the Casual 2 lobby for clan games. This lobby is active, however it is not normally "full" and not as active as casual 1. By asking for CW games in there, clanwars will get more exposure and hopefully more players.

Good luck to everyone in august!

ClanWars August prizes
KlunG   8/9/2007

The admins at ClanWars have once again chipped in and put together 325 $ in cash prizes for the month of August. This means that there will be cash prizes this month as well for the top 3 warriors;
#1 Warrior will receive 150 $
#2 Warrior will receive 100 $
and # 3 Warrior will receive 75 $

Payment will be done through paypal, if you are in the top three warrior ranks, at the end of the month, email [email protected] with your paypal account and name in the league. This must be done by September 5th, 2007 to be eligible.

In addition, like last month, every warrior from the #1 clan will receive a free EA Game of choice. All warriors from the winning clan, has to email [email protected] by September 5th with following information:
-Name in the league
-Real name (in real life)
-Physical address
-Game of your choice (must be an EA title, for any platform)

Good luck to everyone who will participate in August!

CnC3 July cup
CnC3 Admin-1   8/2/2007

July cup is over and after an exiting and active month, clan [SRS]ended up as #1 clan while [SRS]Arecal grabbed the #1 spot on the warrior ranks. As previously mentioned, the staff of ClanWars.cc has chipped in and put together 400$ in cash prizes which will be spread out between the top 3 warriors. In addition, all warriors in the #1 clan will receive one free EA game of choice each.

Warrior Champions and prizes:

1. [SrS]Arecal - 250$
2. d.Apollo - 100$
3. )ToT(YaMa - 50 $

Clan champion and Warriors:

Warriors: [SRS]Arecal, [SRS]Sh4rp, [SRS]M-Trevor, [SRS]Excal^, [SRS]Velocity, [SRS]Srisa, [SRS]Wombat and [SRS]Yggdrasil

To achieve the cash prizes, all top 3 warriors has to send an e-mail to [email protected], from the e-mail adress you registered with on your global account, telling your warrior name and paypal account within 5th August.

All warriors from [SRS] clan has to e-mail [email protected] within August 5th to be able to receive your prizes. The info we need are:
-Name in the league
-Real name (in real life)
-Physical address
-Game of your choice (must be an EA title, for any platform)

Congratulations to all the winners of July & GL HF to all warriors and clans participating in August at ClanWars!

- ClanWars.cc staff

Cash prizes & EA Games for July
Trunks   6/26/2007

For the month of July, the staff of ClanWars.cc has all chipped in and put together $400 in cash prizes to give away for the C&C3 league.
The #1 ranked warrior at the end of july will receive $250
The #2 ranked warrior will receive $100
The #3 ranked warrior will receive $50

Payment will be done through paypal, if you are in the top three warrior ranks email [email protected] with your paypal account and name in the league. This must be done by august 5th, 2007 to be eligible.

Additionally, every member of the #1 ranked clan will receive an EA game of their choice. E-mail [email protected] if you fit into this category at the end of july. Again, you must email us by august 5th, 2007 to receive your prize. For EA games, we'll need the following information:
-Name in the league
-Real name (in real life)
-Physical address
-Game of your choice (must be an EA title, for any platform)

Good luck to everyone in July!

  Clanwars Global News
Bracketed Tournaments online
clan wars    (10/8/2008)
The bracketed tournaments are now back online.

Remember tournaments can run 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 slots either 1v1 or clan-based.

Ask your admin to create a tournament and see who wins without any point chase to argue about.

The staff at clanwars sincerely hopes you enjoy the newly styled tournament system. Click the "tournaments" tab from your league menu to view any tournaments for your league.


Submitting Bugs
clan wars    (10/5/2008)
Thank you all for being patient while we turn up the new site and squash all the bugs that made it past QA.

Since we went live a handful of annoying bugs have been fixed; some of the most prominent ones were the upload error bug when uploading match media; deleting PM bug; gamespy auto result bug, absolving clan bug and a few others all have been fixed.

As you find new bugs, small or large, please post them here


Thanks again for your support of clanwars.cc


Edited by clan wars on 10/5/2008 9:09 PM
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