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Online...   Cronos
member #11,117
   7/20/2012 2:16 AM
posting in thread: (looking for vs 1 vs 1 or tryout for a clan)
im recently registered on this site, and like to join a clan to play on tourneys , or clan wars scrims or vs .i been played halo for a 3 years,. my x fire is tribibugo
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #11,166
   10/16/2012 2:32 PM
posting in thread: (looking for vs 1 vs 1 or tryout for a clan)
Halo PC is too good of a game to let die.  To get things rolling again I'd like to get a clanwars.cc server up and get people playing the game again clan vs clan.  I'm willing to pay for a dedicated server to do this, but I need all former Halo PC clanwars players that want this to contact me so we can get a count of who wants in, then we can start getting some clans formed and some matches started.  Tell your friends.  email is the most reliable so email me at [email protected]  and we will get this going again.  Thanks.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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