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BFME2 Admin-Cl  
League Admin
   1/8/2021 1:12 PM
posting in thread: (2021 BFME2 ClanWars revival)
ClanWars is back! Starting from January, 2021, BFME2 clanwars will be returning. However, this time it should see the most activity that CW has seen since the servers went offline in 2010. We have reached out to many old and new players, and have a discord full of warriors ready to start the battle for the coveted gold cups.
If you are looking to play, please join the BFME2 ClanWars discord here.
Take a look at this guide on GameReplays.Org, in case you are new and don't know how the ClanWars system works.
Full details of the new clanwars can also be found in this topic on GameReplays.Org.
Long life to BFME2! 
User Post Count: 428 Registered: Sunday, May 25, 2008 IP: NA
tempttaion   rank: #5
member #33,140
-- not in a clan --  
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   2/1/2021 2:16 PM
posting in thread: (2021 BFME2 ClanWars revival)
more than 1500 games have been achieved 
when was this result before?
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Thursday, January 18, 2018 IP: NA
BFME2 Admin-Cl  
League Admin
   2/1/2021 4:59 PM
posting in thread: (2021 BFME2 ClanWars revival)
Have a look at the Hall of Champions. There is a column "matches" showing the amount of matches played within a tournament month. Last tournament with more than 1500 games played was in Sept 2012.
User Post Count: 428 Registered: Sunday, May 25, 2008 IP: NA

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