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BFME2 Admin-4  
League Admin
   2/28/2015 11:08 PM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
Requesting all game replays vs [1453]Coban due to suspected of point pushing. Failure to do so will result in point deduction, a warning and/or ban. 
Regards, Admin 4. 
User Post Count: 150 Registered: Sunday, May 11, 2008 IP: NA
member #30,645
   2/28/2015 11:37 PM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
I'm the only player on the league who put replay of the Game evolve no one uploaded as much as i did and u told me to stop it, u say that is useless, well i'm not like that u just don't want us to get the cup i'm tired of interest conflict u don't deserve to be league admin u abuse ur power.
I don't need to justify myself if there is an IP coflict clé id conflit or whatever then u have the right to "supsect me to point push, when i see player play 12game in a row u didn't ask them to put the replay.
I will speak to the Mustafa like i told him i suppose he saved some replay i hope but i stopped to save useless game i don't have free memeory for that and i don't like to search a good replay on my database...
well i was going for a long speach the fact is it's 5h36 here u accuse me of point push with  NO REASON u have nothing to suspect or whatever u just want me to get banned as u want since the begining
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
BFME2 Admin-4  
League Admin
   3/1/2015 12:08 AM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
You have 24 hours to show the wanted replays. I've been notified by numerous players from cw.cc to watch your games. Also been told that you have sat in lobby for an hour then 2-4 games have suddenly been recorded losing to yourself. If games were legit then you have nothing to fear as you can simply just upload the replays for us admins, failure to do may result in point loss/warn/ban as suspected cheating (pointpushing). Regards Admin 4.
User Post Count: 150 Registered: Sunday, May 11, 2008 IP: NA
member #30,645
   3/1/2015 12:25 AM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
Evolve/Faithless dude i play on GR, on T3A and on hamachi man, comon what the problem because you and adham see me online that mean i can't play at the same time u just want me to have bad time i'm tired to see u harrasing me telling me that u will ban me since now a month for i don't know why well that true i dodge u as i dodge archangel ur out of my league and what u want punish me for that ????
I Posted replay and uploaded replay as no one did in this tourney i don't point push if i do i'm sur u guy will find it out immédiatly and without any suspision, i play regular and fair i report all my loss even when i don't understand why i lose, and because i don't have 9 replay against a man u want me to get baned for that. as i told u while u laughted at me and say that u will ban me from the league and enjoy it that i don't save the replay agaisnt coban as no one on the league save replay
i'm alone the only one doing that, i told u i will ask him for some replay but i will not have 9replay for sure i begged him to play to play 5 more game in case for the tourney, And even without those game u IAI clan ad adham as i saw u sneaking here u are third with or without Mustafa's game. all u want i torment me as every player here i don't have to be uspected why me and not u ?
can u give me the replay of my game against u today ?????? i suppose no.
This is abusive i have screen of u harrasing me upseting me and telling me u want me ban, i try my best to help the community to bring new people here and u, you put my work like it's poop, stop abusing ur power is there is another admin that can verify i'm not point pushing against myself pls cause i don't like and trust bfme 4 like i said before a League admin don't have to play in the league that should be a gold rule,.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #30,744
   3/1/2015 12:32 AM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
Answer this question, do YOU have the replays in regards to these games?
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #30,645
   3/1/2015 12:40 AM
posting in thread: (RECON]Xelenos, requesting replays.)
It Told u have none of those replay i don't save him, and like i told u i can cash mustafa oly at this time to ask him if he listened to me to save the replay against me for progress that he maybe can't u will have maybe 0 or 9 replay, but i told u evolve i will not loose school or year for the you, if u want me to get ban seems no one will hold you, i'm tired of you it's 6h35 now i will post the winer on revora and go sleep cause i didn't if u are the new face of cw well that mean the cw don't want me and i should leave it as someone i should listen told me u keep harrasing me
can u please stop mencing me now ?
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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