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Alex (Ugluk)   rank: #5
member #29,523
boss of   Eol
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   2/24/2013 2:11 AM
posting in thread: (game activity?)
this is a so dead 
if this keeps this way, it will be completely died in less than a year :S  ahhhhhhhh
could it be cos the patchs? i mean, 1.7 is good, but some people don't  tolerate the change. or it's cos the last bans?
but i can't get this, where are the players like sibel or gandalf? 
User Post Count: 19 Registered: Monday, April 2, 2012 IP: NA
Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
member #17,427
boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   2/26/2013 12:24 AM
posting in thread: (game activity?)
Perhaps people are playing with 1.06 players on the 1.07 Patch, redirecting cws activity.
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA

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