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Kane's Wrath
  0 players online
  0 matches today
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#1 IAMA's defeats #1 B||||| 1v1
#2 Z-21 defeats #2 :) 3v1
#1 IAMA's defeats #1 vC] 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 Tt 1v1
#10 Tt defeats #4 sprs 1v1
#10 Tt defeats #4 sprs 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #9 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #9 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #7 OKTRON 1v1
#2 [a-L] defeats #15 PoW| 1v1
#9 OKTRON defeats #1 KaoS| 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #9 OKTRON 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #9 Tt 1v1
#10 OKTRON defeats #1 KaoS| 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #9 Tt 1v1
#1 KaoS| defeats #10 OKTRON 1v1
  1 matches this tourney
  2,526 matches all-time
  5 clans in the league
  17 warriors in the league
  Biggest Movers Today
(click to view)

  Hottest Clans!
[a-L] +16 game win streak!
KaoS| +8 game win streak!
IAMA's +2 game win streak!

  Most Recently Created Clans!
Clan B||||| created by Imba
Clan dp created by london boys
Clan Unyeli created by General_257
Clan ncr created by the ncr
Clan iamPRO created by AoeNiaN's team

  Most Recently Absolved Clans!
B||||| Removed due to inactivity.
dp Removed due to inactivity.
Unyeli Removed due to inactivity.
ncr Removed due to inactivity.
DSN Removed due to inactivity.
(1 - 0) ... 10 pts.
2. OKTRON 0 pts.
3. MMC 0 pts.
4. [a-L] 0 pts.
5. KaoS| 0 pts.
clan IAMA's
Saudi Arabia
(1 - 0) ... 10 pts.
2. -XeoNeQ- 0 pts.
3. ReLaTiViT 0 pts.
4. Technique 0 pts.
5. iamkhufu 0 pts.
6. IAMANERD 0 pts.
7. -TC|`MaTaL- 0 pts.
9. ~Wilko~ 0 pts.
10. n0m4tch 0 pts.

  League Headlines
There is no league news yet to show.
  Admin Notes
Regarding clan roster sizes
Trunks   5/3/2008

It's great to see the KW league has started off with a bang.

As of May first, clan roster sizes were set to a maximum of 5. There are some clans that formed before this date that have more than 5 members, many of which simply have multiple warriors names owned by the same person. Please purge your rosters to make sure there is a maximum of 5 players in your clans.

One week from now, any clans that still have more than 5 people will have the latest members of the clan removed by an admin.

Sorry for the inconvenience, and good luck to all in May


Great start to May
Trunks   5/1/2008

The may league has kicked off strong - keep it up all month.
Be sure to play in Casual lobby for games and encourage non-CW players to sign up.

Please use the Casual 2 lobby to get clan matches
KWAdmin1   4/11/2008

Hey guys,

Use the "Casual 2" lobby to get ClanWars games. This way everyone is in a centralized location and can find ClanWars games easily. Additionally, this lobby isn't TOO full yet has plenty of non-clanwars players in it. By using casual 2 to look for clan games, you will also be doing the league a huge favor: advertising. This will entice new players to sign up and help clanwars to really catch on.

Be sure to spread the word about clanwars in the other lobbies too to get additional interest in the league.


Trunks   4/11/2008

The month of May promises great things for Kane's Wrath. The CW team has been digging into their pockets and have come up with $275 that is going towards prizes in Kane's Wrath.

The #1 ranked warrior will receive $150 via paypal
The #2 ranked warrior will receive $75 via paypal
The #3 ranked warrior will receive $50 via paypal

In addition, all players in the #1 clan will receive an EA Game of their choice, in any platform. Certain games are unavailable (namely hellgate, rockband, and crysis - though EA Games can only provide the titles that they can get at discounted rates, so it is possible there are some other games that will not be available). The game must already be released as of May 31st 2008.

The clan boss of the #1 clan must email [email protected] by June 5th stating what EA games are needed and the addresses/names to which they go. We need full names, addresses, and the name of the desired EA title.

Good luck to all players in May!

Clan Wars   3/18/2008

Welcome to the new league!

Please check back later for more updates...
  Clanwars Global News
Bracketed Tournaments online
clan wars    (10/8/2008)
The bracketed tournaments are now back online.

Remember tournaments can run 8, 16, 32, 64, or 128 slots either 1v1 or clan-based.

Ask your admin to create a tournament and see who wins without any point chase to argue about.

The staff at clanwars sincerely hopes you enjoy the newly styled tournament system. Click the "tournaments" tab from your league menu to view any tournaments for your league.


Submitting Bugs
clan wars    (10/5/2008)
Thank you all for being patient while we turn up the new site and squash all the bugs that made it past QA.

Since we went live a handful of annoying bugs have been fixed; some of the most prominent ones were the upload error bug when uploading match media; deleting PM bug; gamespy auto result bug, absolving clan bug and a few others all have been fixed.

As you find new bugs, small or large, please post them here


Thanks again for your support of clanwars.cc


Edited by clan wars on 10/5/2008 9:09 PM
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