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member #1,739
   11/28/2008 11:44 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan)
Hi name is Doston, I've been playing for a couple of weeks now, I'm consider my self ok I have room to improve however I am not new to RTS style games nor the C&C series. If you want to know more info just ask, thanks for your time.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #2,017
   12/13/2008 11:11 AM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan)
Hi all,Im looking for members for my newly establised cw.cc clan I am a total noob and want to become a pro like everyone else, Iv been playing on my own and find it very difficult to compete as I need other players to play with on a regular basis to practice, discuss stratagies, and compete in the league, If anyone is interested please email me on [email protected] or find me in casual 1 or 2 were I usally play or seach my skype name which is bullneck1. it realy doesent matter how good you are as long as you play often and have a mic.     
                        Thanks [NXT]Bullneck  
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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