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MAU|Sania   rank: #1
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Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: Ace
   10/24/2012 4:07 AM
posting in thread: (What you think about inns and towers in v2.02?)
What you think about using inns in 2.02
Some players argue, what Inns can use only camping, lamers noob (like Andy, Turin, Djinges...) . LOL
Another question: what about the towers.
PS: Please adequate answers with justification.
User Post Count: 1 Registered: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 IP: NA
GossipGirl   rank: #1
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   10/24/2012 4:39 AM
posting in thread: (What you think about inns and towers in v2.02?)
well i dont think there is something wrong to build towers and buy archers from inns because there are many ways to counter them, catas and spamm units to destroy towers and harass your enemy when he is defending his inns.this is what i think it is lame:
-archers and mumakills/catas spamm ,used by Yurez 
-sorcs and rangers spamm and try to close all way to attack with them ,used by Frosty
-fire dragons + baby dragons + archers + lots of mountain giants on stonewain used by Phovos and Zyrax 
-well elves heroes which are too fast
User Post Count: 2 Registered: Sunday, September 30, 2012 IP: NA
Djinges   rank: #1
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   10/24/2012 8:00 AM
posting in thread: (What you think about inns and towers in v2.02?)
I think there is no problem in using inns cause every faction can use in a great way and its easily destroyed. If u would forbid inns dw would have no real change at all against someone who defends well.
The only thing thats a bit too strong in my opinion is UA from angmar cause they can take the inn and quickly have an army of 2trolls 1gunbda and elite archers for just 10pp wich is permament.
But i have never heard anyone say that inns are lame.  I am a bit surprised about this statement.
About towers i dont really like them cause they are so static and a have such a long build time. The tower from dw 10pp point spell is great though.  But if someone builds towers just add in some catas and the trick is done i think.
the only time i sometimes use towers are vs dwaves but normally the game would be lost tehre anyway if the opponent would not start to complain about towers but to counter them instead.
Pls descripe a bit more what ur problem with inns and towers is maybe i can give u some more tips than.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Djinges [ 10/25/2012 5:28:54 AM ]
User Post Count: 14 Registered: Sunday, September 4, 2011 IP: NA
No|Jzak`   rank: #1
member #14,315
boss of   No
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: D3viL
   1/5/2013 9:36 AM
posting in thread: (What you think about inns and towers in v2.02?)
whining is defo laming-
worst  lame is still having poor pc and poor con and forcing someone to join their host when mine is perfectly well for them aswell
THATS real laming
everything else is just a game 
User Post Count: 29 Registered: Friday, January 9, 2009 IP: NA

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