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Online...   Korbah
member #5,446
   11/21/2009 9:12 PM
posting in thread: (guess who won)
simpee won nod after 15min, I beat back his arty once or twice, lost 1 med, had enough cash etc I got out to rep a little at far hill by the tree (left of it, he was moving back to nod tib) he then hit me a few times so wanted to get in and move it but I couldnt....spammed my e key for like 2-3 secs and my hotwire just wouldnt wtf? he killed my hottie, got my med and I gave up down 500-600 points...
thats happened to me before in pub games too, could be something related to bound vechs? idk...anyway gg's had music and **** going was gonna lose either way lol

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By BoSNiaN [ 11/21/2009 9:18:16 PM ]
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New2reN   rank: #11
member #2,467
boss of   TD
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   11/22/2009 2:16 AM
posting in thread: (guess who won)
Simpee did you run music and **** while playing, because otherwise it's not a legit win
User Post Count: 284 Registered: Monday, March 19, 2007 IP: NA
Spoony   rank: #11
member #456
boss of   TC
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   11/22/2009 12:09 PM
posting in thread: (guess who won)
simpee will play the winner of new2ren vs whiskey.
User Post Count: 746 Registered: Thursday, July 20, 2006 IP: NA
New2reN   rank: #11
member #2,467
boss of   TD
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   11/22/2009 12:21 PM
posting in thread: (guess who won)
That would be me
This match would have been the previous 1v1 tournament final
User Post Count: 284 Registered: Monday, March 19, 2007 IP: NA

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