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Online...   Korbah
Spoony   rank: #11
member #456
boss of   TC
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   1/15/2012 1:14 PM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
make a clan if you wanna play in the CWservers
you cheat like *****es for ages... you (mainly jblforce) act like a total **** to me for months for no provocation, then you think you're welcome in the CWservers when it's not even a clanmatch?
here's why it's to your benefit that you make a clan and are thereby bound by the rules... if it's an official clanmatch i won't entertain the thought of kicking you just for the fun of it
User Post Count: 746 Registered: Thursday, July 20, 2006 IP: NA
member #5,794
   1/16/2012 7:27 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
I have to agree on this one lal, apart from the fact that they have not been caught cheating once... that's what other people made of it.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #5,790
   1/16/2012 7:38 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
We will make a clan but t3mp is crashing evry 5 mins so we have to fix that.
if its not allowed to practise, u can also say it in a normal way ty.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Spoony   rank: #11
member #456
boss of   TC
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   1/16/2012 8:09 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
i didn't say funwars aren't allowed, maybe if it's cool ppl in the server; you don't qualify
btw after this:
"you (mainly jblforce) act like a total **** to me for months for no provocation" you're upset at that one post up there? yeah go ahead and cry about me being so rude to you in that one post, while your brother/cousin/whatever the hell jblforce is has been treating me like **** for months when i've done him nothing but favours. get a clue pls
User Post Count: 746 Registered: Thursday, July 20, 2006 IP: NA
member #5,809
   1/16/2012 11:37 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
Stop trolling me lepel
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Spoony   rank: #11
member #456
boss of   TC
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   1/16/2012 11:50 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
why are you here?
User Post Count: 746 Registered: Thursday, July 20, 2006 IP: NA
member #5,802
   1/16/2012 5:12 PM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
me and yuri had some games with em..
and it were good games
so its good they made or making a clan so .cc is more active.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Spoony   rank: #11
member #456
boss of   TC
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   1/16/2012 7:16 PM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
give or take some ob walking?
User Post Count: 746 Registered: Thursday, July 20, 2006 IP: NA
member #5,802
   1/16/2012 11:49 PM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
well it was a fw so i dont really care about it.
he said he tested it.. still a bit gay i agree on that but who cares
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Renevo   rank: #11
member #6,012
-- not in a clan --  
   10/29/2024 9:09 PM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)
Fun times
User Post Count: 1 Registered: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 IP: NA
crushu06   rank: #1
member #5,866
boss of   TPRB
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   10/30/2024 8:18 AM
posting in thread: (empirejbl + jblforce)


User Post Count: 47 Registered: Friday, December 14, 2012 IP: NA

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