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member #102,078
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   5/17/2018 2:10 AM
posting in thread: (Squadmates have disappeared)
I have two problems. I play Sniper Fury on an iPad. The OS is 9.3.5. I'm not going to update to ios ten so don't tell me to do that pls. ios 10 has some visualization problem so I cannot install it on my ipad (I also use it for work).
Also, the two problems I'm going to described occurred only yesterday evening, and I've been playing Sniper Fury for a couple of weeks now, so I don't think the os is the issue.
Problem n° 1: I sent some squadmates to war. Now they've disappeared. If I go on "My Base" and then tap on "Squadmates" the game says: You don't have any squadmates. They've just gone, I cannot recall or revive them in anyway because I cannot see them anywhere.
Problem n° 2: yesterday I won a Supreme pack doing a mission (Special Ops I think) and I see it in my inventory. If I go in the shop to open the pack though I cannot see is. The category of "Supreme Packs" has disappeared.
The problem of the squadmates is the most annoying now ... I cannot do special ops and I have no defense apart the drones !!!.
Any help will be apprecited.
I didn't find the right solution from the Internet.
Thank you
i love traveilling all over the world
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