If you are not familiar with who esQ. is, here is the low down.
We are a clan with ex-top players of other games. I played tiberian sun and red alert 2 and the co-leader is a ex-top 30 player of kanes wrath.
We are looking to fill our ranks with good players who will play a lot of games. We are not saying you have to be the best out there, but you need to be quite a bit above average.
We really need the manpower as clanwars.cc is all about games played, not absolute skill. We want to continue being a top 10 clan every season and hope to eventually finish first. We have stayed in the top 10 all this season until a recent member departure caused us to lose about 20% of our points due to rules violations.
This being said, we are still rank 13 and will get back into the top 10 before the season is over.
If you are good, willing to download xfire, and want to be part of a top 10 clan. Send me a PM or reply here.