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member #1,142
   11/25/2008 1:26 PM
posting in thread: (So im also looking for a clan...)
Dunno really how good i am,won 90% of matches on the automatch thing...kind of getting boring so i came to cw.cc. looking for a fairly active clan, just want 2 play some enjoyable matches.
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member #1,142
   11/25/2008 1:27 PM
posting in thread: (So im also looking for a clan...)
oh yeah... i play mostly as allies but i have a decent knowledge of  soviet and empire tho i just prefer the allies style of play.
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member #709
   11/26/2008 12:47 PM
posting in thread: (So im also looking for a clan...)
Hey Humpall, if you do have Xfire, add reaver9 to it :D
We need a few more people for RA3

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[BBF] Lawyer  
member #1,593
   11/27/2008 5:52 PM
posting in thread: (So im also looking for a clan...)
Hey there humpall,
Clan BBF is always looking for new members and people to come join our fun mature clan, if your interested hit me up on xfire account name vagna, or drop by our website at www.clanbbf.com we currently have a Teamspeak server which we host ourselves, a vent server, and were an active clan of around 150 members spanning over the PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 platforms.
we've only just started to support RA3 but i'm on mostly everyday after work. Regardless of wether you join i hope you find the right clan.
You can also shoot me an email at [email protected] (make sure to clearly label your subject as i recieve way more spam then could be healthy lol.
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