Hey there Thomasnt,
I'm the new Game Commander for Clan BBF's RA3 division, i've been playing the game pretty active the last few days since i got it. We've only just started to support the game, and its my job to garner recruits, if your interested BBF is a fun active clan with a basis on maturity and building not only the skills but friends list of many of our members, we currently total just over 150 active members spanning over our PC, Xbox 360 and PS3 divisions. If your interested give me a shout on Xfire (Account name vagna), visit our site
www.clanbbf.com or you can give me a shoot on my personal email
[email protected] just make sure to label you subject well otherwise i might think its spam lol (i get alot of that, i guess its from giving out my email so much lol :P)
Anyways BBF is always welcoming new members, and we always look forward to a friendly face. Weither or not you join i hope you find the right clan for you, and my invite will always stand.