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member #17,684
   5/24/2012 9:58 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
I just started RotWK again after finding out about the fan patch, (which was quite surprising to me) have never played it competitively but I do have a lot of experience w/ RTS's in general such as Starcraft 2, Red Alert 3, Kane's Wrath, and Supreme Commander and I know how the units work mostly because I played this game a lot before (just not competitively). I need help w/ things like build orders or strats, and the best way to get that apparently is joining a clan :D

The scene is looking to be about the size that I thought it would be (...somewhat small) but I don't really care because I just want to play against other people on this and see how it goes ^_^

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By gamerkhang [ 5/24/2012 9:58:23 PM ]
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Bushi   rank: #1
member #17,561
boss of   Rogue
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   5/25/2012 6:47 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
Cool. Do you have an account on www.gamereplays.org? The Rotwk 2.02 section there is the main life of this game.
User Post Count: 72 Registered: Thursday, March 1, 2012 IP: NA
United|Denmark   rank: #1
member #5,523
-- not in a clan --  
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: MAU|
   5/26/2012 5:56 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
You're very welcome to join United if you want. We're not the most pro guys, but we can teach you some stuff. What is your gameranger name? (btw Bushi is in United too)
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Monday, May 14, 2007 IP: NA
Bushi   rank: #1
member #17,561
boss of   Rogue
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   5/27/2012 10:04 AM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
Yeee broski.
User Post Count: 72 Registered: Thursday, March 1, 2012 IP: NA
member #17,684
   5/29/2012 10:28 AM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
Sorry about the late reply guys, it's just that I had been on a family trip for the past few days. I have a Gameranger, but if any of you guys happen to have steam to communicate over it would be a lot smoother since I'm on that much more often.
One name is gamerkhang and the email for my gameranger is... To be honest not all too sure because I have multiple accounts for multiple computers -_- any way I can just add you guys?
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Bushi   rank: #1
member #17,561
boss of   Rogue
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   5/30/2012 7:39 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
That's cool but I didn't mean Gameranger  - I meant a website:
My name on Gameranger is usually "Bushi" or "United|Bushi"

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Bushi [ 5/30/2012 7:40:26 PM ]
User Post Count: 72 Registered: Thursday, March 1, 2012 IP: NA
member #17,684
   5/30/2012 7:41 PM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
Oh well united_denmark asked for my gameranger name ._.

And my acc for gamereplays should be the same name anyways
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
United|Denmark   rank: #1
member #5,523
-- not in a clan --  
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: MAU|
   6/7/2012 8:37 AM
posting in thread: (Looking for clan, details inside)
I can't find anyone named "Gamerkhang", but feel free to add me, my nickname is the same as here. And i unfortunately don't have steam.
User Post Count: 6 Registered: Monday, May 14, 2007 IP: NA

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