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 SMAK POLL   by Trojann

Question: Have Otto and Jase been having sexual relations?   voting is closed

member #30,153
   12/2/2012 4:46 AM
posting in thread: (Are Jase and Otto a couple of fags?)
This Poll expires: 12/16/2012
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #30,153
   12/2/2012 4:59 AM
posting in thread: (Are Jase and Otto a couple of fags?)
Ah so its jase that bangs otto up the a s s, i thoguht it was the other way around , my bad !
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
Kightly   rank: #5
member #29,575
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fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   12/2/2012 1:04 PM
posting in thread: (Are Jase and Otto a couple of fags?)
Cool story. Doesn't actually matter what you post. You really are pushing a fine line anyway Have fun.
User Post Count: 24 Registered: Thursday, April 19, 2012 IP: NA

Thread is Locked.

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