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Online...   GoS[TheGenera1]
BFME2 Admin-Cl  
League Admin
   2/28/2021 7:56 PM
posting in thread: (Several games have been voided Feb 2021)
We voided several games due to a violation of rule #8 “You may be a member of different clans but you are not allowed to play any of these clans. The clans can play versus each other, but you cannot.”. The attached screenshot show the games in question.


We encourage everyone to play according to the rules. FYI: we are going to update the rules for next month. Thanks everyone for their input re the new-rules-proposal!

Enjoy the final day of the tournament this month and have fun playing BfME2!

User Post Count: 428 Registered: Sunday, May 25, 2008 IP: NA

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