Hello my dear middle earth friend,
i made a comunity server on discord for mostly 1.09 and 2.02 player but guys from 1.06 and 2.01 are welcome to, the goal is to bring all the comunity on it to keep in touch and be able to set up game faster, or get informed of news about the future patchs and tournament event.
you guys can use the discord server to speak with your friend when you are in a team play or for your clanwars game, or just for the sake of speaking with people it's as you wish 
there is lot of new feature coming on it in the future, our dear sauron will welcome you and inform you when someone is going live on twitch and stuff,
you are all invited to join it on:
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Edited By [RECON]Xelenos [ 5/11/2017 8:24:39 PM ]