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member #30,371
   6/13/2013 12:46 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
How about people start playing cw again?
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J-Edgar`   rank: #5
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   6/24/2013 4:19 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
i would play cw if we could play games in 2.6 and have decents admins
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/24/2013 4:29 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
 i am active on bfme2 :D
and tbh i would prefer an 2.06 clanwars too :D
 we r 3  
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J-Edgar`   rank: #5
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   6/24/2013 4:32 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
ok so tomorow we start cw in 2.6 , admins when u read this give me admins right ty
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
member #30,166
   6/24/2013 4:33 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
2.6 > 1.7 ; )
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Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
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boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/26/2013 3:17 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Why do you prefer the old patch? It has more imbalanced matchups, Mordor and Men dominate and theres a heap of useless upgrades & heroes(gandalf, dro, faramir to name a few). I think perhaps once you come face to face with something like Mordor vs Dwarves, or Men vs Goblins you'll realise how frustrating 2.06 is.
Just my two cents, dont really care what you play. Just think theres a huge amount of hindsight bias going on here. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Unr3al|Valheru [ 6/26/2013 3:19:01 AM ]
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/26/2013 5:29 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Replying to post #6   6/26/2013 3:17 AM

quoting: Unr3al|Valheru

Why do you prefer the old patch? It has more imbalanced matchups, Mordor and Men dominate and theres a heap of useless upgrades & heroes(gandalf, dro, faramir to name a few). I think perhaps once you come face to face with something like Mordor vs Dwarves, or Men vs Goblins you'll realise how frustrating 2.06 is.
Just my two cents, dont really care what you play. Just think theres a huge amount of hindsight bias going on here. 

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Unr3al|Valheru [ 6/26/2013 3:19:01 AM ]

1.7 needs tweaks on
-mordor archers
-goblin archers
(imo they only needed range since 1.6) now, as i had said before, are op
an 2vs2, its just too annoying  
-atacks trolls
(at least finishing ur plan to make them a troops/heros killers) 
and nothing elseeee!  
User Post Count: 44 Registered: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 IP: NA
member #30,377
   6/26/2013 7:46 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
i have tested both patches and actually prefer 1.07 over 2.06. Bad mus  seem to be more balanced than in 2.06.
I havent played vs a human becoz no1 plays any of these patches  but i`d recommend to play the 1.07 patch at least.
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J-Edgar`   rank: #5
member #29,422
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   6/26/2013 5:56 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Please b1tch tell me how come 2 Gobs   archers > 1 Elv Lancers 
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
J-Edgar`   rank: #5
member #29,422
captain of   RECON]
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [S]
   6/27/2013 6:04 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
I actually laughed at Aizen comment, the guy played 2 games on each patch and can say that one patch is better than the other, i played at least 2000 games on 2.6 and like 150 on 1.07 or  so ..
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
member #30,377
   6/27/2013 8:01 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Well it`s my opinion and as i said i played those patches offline and tested vs bots (:D)+ what i read from changes from the previous patches to 1.07 it seems more balanced.
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J-Edgar`   rank: #5
member #29,422
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   6/27/2013 11:25 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
just play few games against a decent gob player then come back buddy
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/27/2013 11:32 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
vs a decent mordor too :p
User Post Count: 44 Registered: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 IP: NA
Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
member #17,427
boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/27/2013 11:37 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Cool so basically your reasoning for 2.6> 1.07 is because theres one faction slightly out of balance, Goblins.
And of course the fact that in 2.6 there is a whole list of terrible matchups, not to mention terrible units,makes it a far better patch. There it is folks kids complaining for the sake of something to whinge about.
Heres 2.6
Dwarves> Mordor
All of these were fixed for 1.07, with 'gobs being too strong in 2v2'. 
And Etch Mordor was way stronger in 2.6, I dont know what the fk you are talking about. DId you actually read the changelog? Orc warriors and Orc Archers got nerfed. Mordor is completely out of control in 2.6 and your saying their better in 1.07? wow... Goblins are the only faction who are slightly ahead at the moment, if at all. Dwarves are still stronger than Goblins tho.
Soo, feel free to play 2.6, its totally rad.  EVem this AIzen guy who is new can see the truth, you guys are raging over one faction when 2.6 has way worse crap to deal with.

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Unr3al|Valheru [ 6/27/2013 11:51:08 PM ]
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/28/2013 8:35 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
User Post Count: 44 Registered: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 IP: NA
Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
member #17,427
boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/29/2013 6:20 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
I dont mind making one last patch to fix the stuff you mentioned, assuming theres enough interest, theres already a file in beta anyways. Includes wagons healing on lvl 3, attack troll buffs, various other stuff
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA
J-Edgar`   rank: #5
member #29,422
captain of   RECON]
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [S]
   6/29/2013 6:35 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
this is interesting 
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/29/2013 6:43 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
do it, i want to help u, but i need to see you in gr first
i have been playing a lot 1.6... and mordor archers are not poop(horde honus is op :p), they just have a small range, and goblin archers tbh as  2.6 they were ok.
with that change on goblin structures  and upgrates, they are not a poop vs mordor/motw/dwwarf anymore
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J-Edgar`   rank: #5
member #29,422
captain of   RECON]
Fresh off of a pasting of #1 ranked clan: [S]
   6/29/2013 6:54 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
please a decent switcher as we had on 2.6 it was working VERY WELL, i like 1.7 too but wow i had too reinstall game 2 times cauz of deleting 1.7
User Post Count: 119 Registered: Wednesday, February 15, 2012 IP: NA
member #30,382
   6/29/2013 9:22 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
cw patch 1.7 or 2.6 ?
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Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
member #17,427
boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/29/2013 10:46 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
Unfortunately I dont have the expertise to create a new switcher, that is up to Raz, who is way too busy to do this. I would like a new one aswell.
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA
Alex (Ugluk)   rank: #5
member #29,523
boss of   Eol
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/29/2013 10:52 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
User Post Count: 19 Registered: Monday, April 2, 2012 IP: NA
Alex (Ugluk)   rank: #5
member #29,523
boss of   Eol
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/29/2013 10:58 PM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
User Post Count: 19 Registered: Monday, April 2, 2012 IP: NA
Unr3al|Valheru   rank: #5
member #17,427
boss of   Unr3al
fresh off of power win number 10 this month
   6/30/2013 6:24 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
 For those interested, this is the 1.07B beta changelog so far. Currently being tested

-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals splash in radius 12
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals Critical Damage to Giant Eagle Summon
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 200% to Fort Eagle, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 300% to Shelob, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 110% to Drogoth, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 380% to Aragorn, Elrond and Gimli, from 300%
-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals 150% bonus damage against Gimli, Aragorn and Elrond, from 110%


-Devastation cooldown reduced from 360s to 300s
-Wormtongue cost from 2000 to 1800
-Palantir Vision cooldown from 180s to 150s
-Armory buildtime from 60s to 50s


-Thrandiul Dead Eye duration increased from 20s to 25s
-Thrandiul Dead Eye cooldown reduced from 120s to 100s
-Thranduil Move Unseen Effect Radius from 50 to 100
-Ent buildtime from 20s to 25s
-Treebeard cost from 2000 to 1500
-Treebeard now takes 75% specialist, from 50%
-Treebeard & Ents now take 50% from Hero Ranged, from 5%
-Treebeard now takes 25% slash, from 10%
-Enchanted Anvil Upgrade Discount's improved for each level
-Elven Barracks Level 3 Upgrade Time from 60s to 25s
-Green Pasture Level 2 & 3 Upgrade Time from 60s to 25s


-Battlewagon Men of Dale now deal 60% to Isengard Pikeman, from 25%
-Battlewagon now takes 180% structural damage, from 200%
-Battlewagons now gain self-heal at level 5
-Battlewagon Hearth Effect Radius from 100 to 200
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 200% against Mumakil
-Men of Dale Black Arrows range increased to 460, from 380
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 15% damage to Heros, from 100%
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 35% damage to Monsters, from 100%
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deal 1% damage to All Structures
-Men of Dale Black Arrows cooldown from 30s to 60s
-Swapped Barrage with Cloudbreak
-Gloin Shake Foundation now deals 15% against Forts, from 25%


-Mordor Orc Archer bonus vs Uruk Warriors from 120% to 110%
-Mordor Orc Archer health from 180 to 175
-Mordor Orc Archer damage from 20 to 19
-Attack Trolls now take 45% from crush revenge, from 100%
-Attack Trolls now take 120% flame, from 90%
-Attack Trolls now take 110% magic, from 90%
-Drummer Troll Buildtime from 45s to 38s
-Fellbeast damage vs heroes increased from 30% to 50%
-Fellbeast resistance to pierce increased from 80% to 72%
-Fellbeast damage against buildings increased from 75% to 85%
-Haradrim Archer buildtime from 40s to 33s
-Haradrim Archer Barbed Arrows Range from 350 to 460
-Haradrim Archer Barbed Arrows now deals 30% damage to Heroes & Monsters, from 100%
-Haradrim Lancer now deals 60% to heroes, from 120%
-Haradrim Lancer now deals normal pikeman crush revenge to all cavalry
-Haradrim Lancer penalties against Archers removed
-Haradrim Palace Level 3 Upgrade time from 60s to 30s


-Goblin Archer health decreased by 2
-Half Troll bonus vs Attack Trolls reduced from 200% to 140%
-Summon Spiderlings lifetime from 30s to 35s
-Drogoth now deals 50% damage to Heroes, from 30%
-Drogoth now deals 85% damage to structures, from 75%
-Drogoth Fireball now deals critical damage against Giant Eagle Summon
-Instill Terror cooldown from 180s to 130s
-Spider Pit Tier 3 upgrade time from 60s to 30s


-Rally Call & Warchant now grant 50% bonus experience
-The Balrog's Fire Breathe will now deal Critical Damage against Gandalf if he fails to cast Shield Bubble
-Dragon Lifetime from 70s to 80s
-Darkness Armor Bonus from 25% to 33%
-Cost of builders from 500g to 450g
-Tooltips corrected accordingly

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Unr3al|Valheru [ 6/30/2013 6:33:10 AM ]

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
 Edited By Unr3al|Valheru [ 6/30/2013 6:43:46 AM ]
User Post Count: 42 Registered: Sunday, April 1, 2007 IP: NA
Ecthelion   rank: #5
member #29,685
boss of   Aule
Fresh off of a 10th consecutive win
   6/30/2013 7:18 AM
posting in thread: (Bring cw back to life)
saruman vs wk was tested
User Post Count: 44 Registered: Wednesday, May 23, 2012 IP: NA
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