For those interested, this is the 1.07B beta changelog so far. Currently being tested

-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals splash in radius 12
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals Critical Damage to Giant Eagle Summon
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 200% to Fort Eagle, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 300% to Shelob, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 110% to Drogoth, from 70%
-Gandalf Istari Light now deals 380% to Aragorn, Elrond and Gimli, from 300%
-Gandalf Lightning Sword now deals 150% bonus damage against Gimli, Aragorn and Elrond, from 110%
Isengard-Devastation cooldown reduced from 360s to 300s
-Wormtongue cost from 2000 to 1800
-Palantir Vision cooldown from 180s to 150s
-Armory buildtime from 60s to 50s
Elves-Thrandiul Dead Eye duration increased from 20s to 25s
-Thrandiul Dead Eye cooldown reduced from 120s to 100s
-Thranduil Move Unseen Effect Radius from 50 to 100
-Ent buildtime from 20s to 25s
-Treebeard cost from 2000 to 1500
-Treebeard now takes 75% specialist, from 50%
-Treebeard & Ents now take 50% from Hero Ranged, from 5%
-Treebeard now takes 25% slash, from 10%
-Enchanted Anvil Upgrade Discount's improved for each level
-Elven Barracks Level 3 Upgrade Time from 60s to 25s
-Green Pasture Level 2 & 3 Upgrade Time from 60s to 25s
Dwarves-Battlewagon Men of Dale now deal 60% to Isengard Pikeman, from 25%
-Battlewagon now takes 180% structural damage, from 200%
-Battlewagons now gain self-heal at level 5
-Battlewagon Hearth Effect Radius from 100 to 200
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 200% against Mumakil
-Men of Dale Black Arrows range increased to 460, from 380
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 15% damage to Heros, from 100%
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deals 35% damage to Monsters, from 100%
-Men of Dale Black Arrows now deal 1% damage to All Structures
-Men of Dale Black Arrows cooldown from 30s to 60s
-Swapped Barrage with Cloudbreak
-Gloin Shake Foundation now deals 15% against Forts, from 25%
Mordor-Mordor Orc Archer bonus vs Uruk Warriors from 120% to 110%
-Mordor Orc Archer health from 180 to 175
-Mordor Orc Archer damage from 20 to 19
-Attack Trolls now take 45% from crush revenge, from 100%
-Attack Trolls now take 120% flame, from 90%
-Attack Trolls now take 110% magic, from 90%
-Drummer Troll Buildtime from 45s to 38s
-Fellbeast damage vs heroes increased from 30% to 50%
-Fellbeast resistance to pierce increased from 80% to 72%
-Fellbeast damage against buildings increased from 75% to 85%
-Haradrim Archer buildtime from 40s to 33s
-Haradrim Archer Barbed Arrows Range from 350 to 460
-Haradrim Archer Barbed Arrows now deals 30% damage to Heroes & Monsters, from 100%
-Haradrim Lancer now deals 60% to heroes, from 120%
-Haradrim Lancer now deals normal pikeman crush revenge to all cavalry
-Haradrim Lancer penalties against Archers removed
-Haradrim Palace Level 3 Upgrade time from 60s to 30s

Goblins-Goblin Archer health decreased by 2
-Half Troll bonus vs Attack Trolls reduced from 200% to 140%
-Summon Spiderlings lifetime from 30s to 35s
-Drogoth now deals 50% damage to Heroes, from 30%
-Drogoth now deals 85% damage to structures, from 75%
-Drogoth Fireball now deals critical damage against Giant Eagle Summon
-Instill Terror cooldown from 180s to 130s
-Spider Pit Tier 3 upgrade time from 60s to 30s
Global-Rally Call & Warchant now grant 50% bonus experience
-The Balrog's Fire Breathe will now deal Critical Damage against Gandalf if he fails to cast Shield Bubble
-Dragon Lifetime from 70s to 80s
-Darkness Armor Bonus from 25% to 33%
-Cost of builders from 500g to 450g
-Tooltips corrected accordingly