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Bfme Admin 3  
League Admin
   4/2/2009 6:28 PM
posting in thread: (April CW- Trial Month)
For April we will be experimenting with a 2 clan system instead of the usual multiple clan system that has been used in the previous months. Anyone is welcome to take part in the trial, simply PM me or reply to this topic that you are interested in joining one of the clans and you will be added immediately. Remember that this system is just a trial for the month of April in an attempt to increase activity. So if interested, get back to me ASAP so we can get you added and playing some games. Good luck to all participants 
User Post Count: 9 Registered: Tuesday, September 23, 2008 IP: NA
Slayer9101911   rank: #1
member #18,864
-- not in a clan --  
fresh off of power win number 40 this month
   4/3/2009 8:38 AM
posting in thread: (April CW- Trial Month)
team B| PLS
User Post Count: 1 Registered: Sunday, July 13, 2008 IP: NA
member #19,615
   4/3/2009 6:34 PM
posting in thread: (April CW- Trial Month)
gl hf to everyone. Imo this system will be a success. I will ask a mate, maybe he will join, too.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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