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Online...   Chaos_Blade
member #47,159
   12/28/2014 10:09 AM
posting in thread: (RUSSIAN CORRUPTION in CW)
IT appears that all these admins who are controlling zh cw are russian. Not only are they looking out for each other, but they are working at the expense of everyone else. Why has my clan been stripped of 2200 points? and why Was I stripped off about 800 points? it wasnt me who apparently point pushed but it was Pomnite. I see what you Russians are trying to do, looking out for MIB and EX, very smart....
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #47,159
   12/28/2014 10:17 AM
posting in thread: (RUSSIAN CORRUPTION in CW)
Why have MY wins gone down? If you are to penalize someone please do it correctly please. I had about 26 wins and now they are -10. I dont ever recall playing or even seeing a BPG Dudamos online or Gameranger, and I NEVER agreed or will agree to pointpushing ever. I want my wins back, plain and clear, or else your going to be seeing a hugely inactive clanwars once again.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
member #47,159
   12/28/2014 10:20 AM
posting in thread: (RUSSIAN CORRUPTION in CW)
also how are my games against PHP Fallen a violation? I see this guy on gameranger ALL THE TIME. I even remember seeing him PLAY AGAINST Pomnite, particularly yesterday! I need some elaboration.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA
League Admin
   12/28/2014 1:47 PM
posting in thread: (RUSSIAN CORRUPTION in CW)
I am a german. I take care for this league. I don't accept cheaters.
The answer for all of your question is easy: violations. 
Your clan played vs clans he is not allowed to play against, because players from there went to your clan and players from your clan went to their clans. If you have done this within one month, the system will detect everything as violations. All wins will get deleted automatically by the system because of violations. There is no way to get any points back.
In future take care who you invite and ask those people if they played in other clans before. Use the Violation button to see with which clans your clan has violations. The next month starts in 3 days.
User Post Count: 143 Registered: Thursday, March 2, 2006 IP: NA
member #47,164
   12/31/2014 2:00 PM
posting in thread: (RUSSIAN CORRUPTION in CW)
It's ridiculous honestly. I did no pointpushing. It's a flawed system pfff pfff pff.
User Post Count:  Registered:  IP: NA

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